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I Pity The Foil!...Easy Peasy Glitter Polish Removal! (PIC HEAVY)

Hello lovely readers!

Aah glitter. How I adore you. The way you sparkle & shimmer & makes ones nails glimmer so prettily…*sighs*…but damn if you aren’t a pain in the backside to remove. At least you were…until I discovered a most awesome method that allows you to come off nice & smoothly, involving certain baking supplies, plus a few extra bits & bobs, waving bye bye to those dark days of sitting there scrubbing away with cotton wool removing a layer of my nail in the process. 

Hi my loves! Apologies for the title there…a little private joke for Hayley & Saf involving an amusing typo when discussing this topic on Twitter that had me in stitches…what can I say? I’m easily amused. ;) So yes, I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that I am a fan of the glitter polish…having pretty glittery nails makes me happy ;) However I’m asked quite often about HOW I remove the buggering stuff off my nails as it IS known to be quite a chore. Well no more dolls! I’ve had a few requests for a post on glitter polish removal & seeing as quite a few of my recent NOTD’s have been glitter based, I thought this would be the perfick time! Hope you enjoy & find it helpful!

                                                            A Quick BEFORE Pic...

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the ‘foil method’ of glitter polish removal & that’s the method I use. It really was life changing…okay slight exaggeration perhaps but it REALLY is brill. Plus the method I use has an added step which makes it EVEN easier to come off, all you need is ten pieces of foil large enough to wrap around the nail (mum has ceased asking me what I’m cooking when I’m retrieving some from the kitchen), cotton wool pads which I cut in half (must think economically now), nail polish remover & the item for my added step which is a cheap nail polish. Oh & a few spare minutes of course! :D

It’s best to have all your bits & bobs all set & in front of you when you start to make life easier. So get your pieces of foil, bottle of polish & cut up pieces of cotton wool which you need to soak with the nail polish remover, ready to use, oh & a cuppa if ya fancy one :)

First step is coat the whole nail with a thick coat of the cheap polish. Obviously it doesn’t matter at all if its messy…as it’s all coming off! :D

Next, grab a piece of polish soaked cotton wool & wrap it around the nail. 

Then pick up a square of foil & do the same, wrapping it around the cotton wool & nail, applying a bit of pressure to make it nice & secure around the finger, making sure no air can get in.

Do the same with the other fingers until you have a hand resembling the Tin Man’s. It’s easier doing just one hand at a time otherwise it can get a bit fiddly trying to do all 10 fingers at once.

Now’s the bit where you occupy yourself for a few minutes whilst the foil does its magic. So why not plonk yourself in front of your fav soap opera or X Factor, with your cuppa (conveniently made beforehand)… maybe read a few pages of your current read…or freak out the cat with your strange robotic silver hands…

Then after about 3-5 minutes, which I feel is sufficient enough time (also depends on how thick/dense a glitter you’ve got on) remove the foil & wool using a twisting motion against the nail….& VOILA! The glitter literally glides of the nail nice & smoothly :D 

Repeat the process on the second hand & you’re done. No more red raw wrecked weak nails…HUZZAH! *happy dance* 

                                                         AFTER...Bye Bye Glitter! :D

Before I discovered this method, I dreaded applying glitter polish as much as I loved it. Now I can happily continue with my glitter addiction & not fret about scrubbing away like a mad woman removing it, taking off a few years of my life in the process. Happy days. 

Oooh & I forgot to mention that afterwards, be sure to moisturize the nails well with cuticle oil & a good hand & nail cream as they’ll be a tad dry!

I hope you found this helpful my lovelies, do let me know if you give it a go! Thanks for reading!

Lotsa love to ya!


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