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10 Ways to Work the Optimism Muscle...Plus the Thursday Blog Hop!

Optimism is a muscle….work it every day! – Robin Roberts

I recently heard Robin Roberts say this in an interview with her good friend, Diane Sawyer.  She was discussing what she has learned through her illness, and how she is now experiencing more joy than before.  This was an interview about her new book, Everybody’s Got Something.

She is truly a survivor… lived through great difficulties and is still smiling.  I know what it is to be shut down by trials of life.  I experienced it more than once.  I gave others too much control over my emotions and self- worth.


During my mommy years, I was not always working the optimism muscle.  In fact, I had a propensity to be negative most days.  When I took the criticisms of family, the stress of children and their activities, and comparisons through peer pressure then mixed them all together one deadly cocktail was created.  Thank goodness I had a wake=up call.

Finally, I began to realize that I MATTER. This began a regular workout for the optimism muscle and now it is a part of me. Let’s look at what it took for me to turn things around:

1.       Live life one day at a time…I am going to make this a good day…no matter what.

2.       Understand that life is short, it is a gift not to be wasted.

3.       Expect joy every day…if we seek it, we will find it.

4.       Don’t let challenges become bigger than they are.  This just means that I do not allow something to get out of control.  I truly believe it is never too late to make a change.

5.       Start small…what is one little thing you can do right now that will put a smile on your face. Have you kept your radio on music others like?  Change the station today to what you want to listen to! 

6.       Take time to look at flowers…the sky…your child’s face…artwork…animals…so much around us we often just rush by.

7.       When something devastating happens, don’t allow it to shut you down. Prayer and meditation is key.  There is still a lot of life to live.

8.       The best way to experience true joy is to help others around you who need it. 

9.       However, sometimes negative, difficult people need less time in our lives.  If there are people who reject optimism and make you feel bad about you, seriously consider spending less time with them.  Sometimes this is a very difficult, yet necessary, decision.  Only you know what is possible in this area.

10.   Finally, recognize you are not a mistake…you are valuable…you are beautiful…now what are some things you can do to help you feel and look your very best.

Let me know if you begin to work that muscle!  For all of the I MATTER Posts, just click HERE.  And for Robin's new book...look 

Then make sure you join the fabulous bloggers from Katie's Favorite Things Blog Hop!!


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