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Friday Fashion News - Edition #3

First, I would like to thank everyone for the “vertigo”
discussion…lots of great information and I can easily see I am not the
only one with this challenge.  I am feeling much better!

Now for what’s new in fashion and beauty!!

W. Nicole Baldwin, founder of Biao Skincare sent samples of
her product from the natural, holistic BIAO SKINCARE line.  She wrote,

Biao Skincare offers the most healing facial products on the
market, with a focus on Eco-friendly production and packaging. Our packaging is
one of the most unique on the market offering not only a simply chic design,
but a way to beautify your world a little more. Each package is embedded with
wildflower seeds making it completely bio-degradable.”

Nicole also says in her brochure, "In my lifetime,

I have battled depression, insecurities, low self-esteem, and so many other traumatizing experiences that negatively affected my well being. However, through my journey to recovery and self renewal, I have learned we can only become as beautiful as we feel inside.  I created Biao Skincare not just to enhance one's physical beauty, but to spread love and empower others to become the greatest they can be in this lifetime.  There is a lot to read about her company, so check them out HERE and I will get back to you after I try the products!! 

Let's move on to another fabulous woman, ANALIZA from Texas!!  Though she lives in NYC, Analiza created a stunning line of sandals ...in Texas, we wear sandals more than anything!  They are part of her creative line called FIBI AND CLO!  When the sandals arrived at my house, my daughter and I actually got in a little tug of war over them...they are comfortable, unique, beautiful...and on MY feet!!

STEIN MART  finally joined in with other retailers and now has a website where you can purchase merchandise.  It was a long time coming and we will see how they do, but it is worth looking over!

If you want to check out San Antonio street style this weekend, then show up at Hemisfair Park on Saturday for Movie Night Sponsored by Target.  It is such a cool, outdoor event where the movie is projected on a building.  The event starts at 6:30, and the original version of Willy Wonka starts at 8:00!  Great family fun.  

Have a fabulous, fashionable Friday, everyone!

Make sure you go to the top of the sidebar and put your name in to win the amazing

necklace.  Winner

announced on Sunday evening!

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