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Low Self Esteem: A Problem or Not? Plus Thursday's Blog Hop!!

Vacation time is often a time of reflection and inspiration for me.  I am not moving quite as fast to fulfill all of my responsibilities… so, when questions are posed online, I have time to ponder.   This week in one thread (CAROL CASSARA), the question was discussed as to why women still struggle with low self-esteem; especially, in an age where more opportunities are available to women than ever before.

As a high school teacher, I still watch young girls struggle with it…they continue to look for validation from boys…many continue to refuse to look forward toward a career…and more than ever before, they struggle with comparisons especially watching other girls on social media who often, they believe, have better lives.  Though I believe there is improvement, the problems still exist.   So I am more passionate than ever to be a spokesperson for I MATTER.  While I am glad I finally got my act together, I also do not want others to wait as long as I did to wake up!  Life is short…don’t waste a minute of it.

It takes strength and courage to get out of a funk and go forward.  But, we all have that strength inside…though some of us may have to dig deeper.   I see many women who remind me of myself in my 40s.   I stopped caring.  Voices around me (mostly family) were not encouraging and caused me to shut down.   Stresses of life at that time seemed overwhelming.  Let’s face it…when you have to live with both your own mother and mother-in-law for a time, it’s grueling.   I worked hard to care for everyone else, but me.

The little I MATTER sign is sitting in a box today on the way to a resale shop!  Every day, it seems, I am clearing out the junk of the past…refining and designing who I am today…a strong, confident, joyful woman.  I am not defined by other’s opinions or comparisons to other lives (yes, adults do that too)…or media messages… or what I see in the mirror.  More than ever before, I am confident of my abilities and the value I bring to the marketplace and my community.  Yes, it takes work to feel good inside and outside.  It also takes quite meditation and prayer.  But, it is still important to help other women from high school upwards to see that they have value, worth…and that THEY MATTER.

What do you think…do women struggle just as much with low self-esteem as in the past…or do you believe low self-esteem is no longer an issue?

Please let us know what you think…then make sure you are registered to win the J Jill Scarf at the top of the sidebar…then visit the other talented bloggers of Katie’s Favorite Things Blog Hop!  And if you want to read other I MATTER posts, there is a link in the sidebar for that as well.

Have a Joyful Thursday ALL!


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