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Turtle Tootsie Polishes 2017 Songs of the Season Collection Swatches and Reviews Part I

*press samples*

Hi guys! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I spent mine with my family in Knoxville, so we did just a little traveling this year. Lots of food and resting happened. You know what didn't happen? Blogging. Oh, and I should mention that I completely broke a nail down to a nubbin. Instead of trying to patch it up, I decided to cut them all down and start from scratch. This means that some polishes in the future will feature some short nails. At first I was super sad about it, but I've now come to grips with it and think my nails needed this. I didn't show it, but my middle finger nail perpetually had a tear in the corner that I had to patch up. I'm hopeful that the new start will help. 

Tonight I have the first half of a collection from Turtle Tootsie Polishes inspired by holiday songs. If you can remember back to my posts about the Indie Nail Shop, you'll probably remember some pictures and commentary on meeting the wonderful Chrissy. Of course I'm in the Turtle Tootsie Polishes Turtlettes Facebook Fan Group, and I was lucky enough to win a guest spot to review this collection (thanks, Chrissy!). Head on over there to get a warm welcome from everyone. This is a 6-piece collection of metallics and linear holos which will release this Friday, December 1st at 8 PM EST in the shop. You'll be able to buy the full collection for $54 (full)/$30 (mini) or individually for $10/$6. The collection will be for sale while supplies last, and will not be restocked, so get your orders in early so you're not disappointed. Chrissy features polishes, but also has other products like scrubs, cuticle oils, lip balms, and soaps. There will be new cuticle oils and soaps released this Friday as well. Without further ado, let's get to some swatches! 

Turtle Tootsie Polishes Jingle Bells (2 coats)

Up first we have one of my top picks from the collection! This is Jingle Bells which is a metallic gold with smaller green and medium red hexagonal microglitter. Upon first glance, I was reminded of the fail from OPI that was Pineapples Have Peelings Too! from the Hawaii collection. They tried adding glitter to a frosty metallic yellow polish with disastrous results (see here). I have no idea how Chrissy did it, but the metallic flakes do not cover the glitter. In the end, you're left with a beautiful color. It's a yellow gold, not on the beige end of the spectrum (and very holiday-appropriate). I can see myself wearing this on Christmas. It applied perfectly in just 2 coats. Removal will be slightly more difficult due to the glitter, but it wasn't too bad. Also be careful of getting the metallic flakes on the skin because it tends to want to stay there. You don't have to fish for the red glitters, but I do recommend turning the bottle over for a few minutes to make sure you resuspend any glitters towards the bottom. 

 Turtle Tootsie Polishes Joy to the World (2 coats)

Up next is Joy to the World which is a linear holographic regal purple shade. It's definitely on the warm end of the spectrum. I received no less than 2 compliments on my nails when I wore this. Weirdly enough, I don't get that many compliments on my nails, so this was big news! Even indoors, you can see the holo finish. It basically applied (2 coats) and removed itself (with acetone) with ease. In all honesty, the whole set had a perfect formula (which will be boring to read, but make your life so much easier). 

Turtle Tootsie Polishes O Christmas Tree (2 coats)

And the last color I have for tonight is O Christmas Tree which is a deep linear holographic forest green shade that leans a bit yellow. Does that description make sense? It's not a straight up pine green...it's almost a really deep olive shade. This is another one in my top picks for the collection. I used 2 coats for full opacity. Yes, you need this one. 

I sort of feel like this whole collection is a top pick for me. I love holiday-inspired polishes, and Chrissy did an amazing job with these.  Make sure to stay tuned for Part II very soon! Again, these will be for sale this coming Friday, December 1st at 8:00 PM EST in the shop.  Make sure to follow Turtle Tootsie Polishes on their Instagram, Facebook, and Facebook Fan Group pages.

*These polishes were provided by the company or PR representative. All reviews are based solely on my opinion. For more information, please see my full disclosure at the bottom of the site*

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