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Haruki Murakami

Before I have coffee or anything else in the morning, I log onto the computer and visit my favorite blogs. One of those favorites is Whiskey River, to read the quote of the day, which gives me something to think about while getting ready for work.

Somehow, over the last few days, I missed a quote, but found it this morning. It is from Japanese writer, Haruki Murakami, someone I've not heard of before (I lead such a shallow life, it seems), but I did research a bit this morning. The quote at WR made me laugh, which is why I'm including it here:

"What we see before us is just one tiny part of the world. We get into the habit of thinking, this is the world, but that's not true at all. The real world is a much darker and deeper place than this, and much of it is occupied by jellyfish and things."

It's the jellyfish part that got to me. I used to imagine, when I was a kid, that the world beyond what I could see was squishy, not solid, and was probably like jello or ...jellyfish. The world, therefore, became solid - real - only when I walked toward the horizon, toward what I couldn't see. Kids are so self-centered, so ego-centric, to think they create the world by their being.

Anyway, after chuckling over the quote, I googled Murakami's name and discovered he is a fellow Baby-Boomer and (evidently) a well-known writer. Time for another trip to the local library...as soon as I can make the path there solid with my steps.

Good morning, Blogland.

(c) 2009 Martha McLemore

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